This program was launched in the year 2009. Its main task is prevention and control of Hepatitis in Punjab. Spread of Hepatitis has reached alarming proportions in the province with an estimated 2.4% prevalence of Hepatitis B and 6.7% prevalence of Hepatitis C.
The overall goal of the project is to reduce morbidity and mortality due to Hepatitis B&C by improvements in hospital waste management, infection control and injection safety practices in public sector health facilities. A PC-I worth of PKR 5.69 billion has approved to run the program.
The program aims to improve access to quality diagnostic services and effective hepatitis B&C case management in the public sector health facilities across the Punjab.
Infection Control Program
Infection control refers to policies and procedures used to minimize the risk of spreading infections, especially in hospitals and human or animal health care facilities.
The purpose of infection control is to reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases. Infection control PC-1 has prepared worth of PKR, 2.96 Billion. The major components of this PC-1 are
Hospital Waste Management (HWM)
Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI)
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Support from PSPU
The major support to HCP/ICP is the implementation of HWM Rules, 2014. Environmental Health and Medical Waste Management Plan (EH&MWMP) was developed in 2013 by Policy & Strategic Planning Unit (PSPU) and implementation was agreed with the World Bank for the achievement of agreed disbursement linked indicators (DLIs). The plan is to implement HWMR in phased manner. The first phase was to implement the HWM Rules, 2014 in two health care facilities which was achieved successfully against disbursement of 2.5 Million USD. The second phase is to implement HWM Rules in selected 15 districts up to June, 2018 and a disbursement of 3Million USD will be made on completion. The remaining districs will be covered in third phase or as agreed with World Bank.
PSPU Supports in policy making and strategic planning
Involved in operation (implementation, monitoring & backstopping)
Provides technical support/assistance (training of master trainers) and step down trainings
Financial support for capacity building programs for health care workers.
Communication & coordination regarding environmental health programs with different stakeholders (EPA, WHO, PPHA, WB, P&D & INGO)