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Secondary Healthcare - Monitoring & Evaluation Assistants (SHC - MEAs)

Under Chief Minister’s Heath Reform Roadmap, Monitoring and Evaluation Assistants (MEAs) have been hired for independent monitoring of Primary and Secondary health care facilities for improvement of service delivery. The data is collected as per SOPs via android based tablets and uploaded on an online dashboard operated by Punjab Information and Technology Board (PITB). For cross verification of MEAs data, Provincial MEA coordinators have been hired. Information on key indicators is presented to Chief Minister in a bi-monthly Health Sector Stock-take. The same data is also shared twice a month by the roadmap team in the form of data-packs with all the districts including problem areas and required actions


Monitoring of DHQs and THQs through Secondary Health Care (SHC) MEAs

Under the Punjab Health Reforms Roadmap, a team of 44 SHC MEAs have been established to monitor service delivery in all Tehsil Head Quarter (THQs) and District Head Quarter Hospitals (DHQs) of Punjab.  Initially 22 SHC MEAS were hired in May 2015 but later on 22 additional SHC MEAs were hired in December 2016.  Currently, each hospital is visited at least 4 times a month including morning and evening shift visits, as per assigned visit plan. Due to the introduction of this intervention significant improvement have been made by using electronic data provided by these MEAs on medicine availability, equipment functionality, staff presence and cleanliness. SHC MEAs also collect data on patient feedback through exit interviews


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