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Punjab Health Roadmap

The Roadmap is an initiative of the Chief Minister of Punjab, which aims to improve health outcomes for the province through a set of four priority reforms. The Roadmap effort was launched in February 2014. 

Five areas identified as high priorities by the team are

  • immunization,
  • safe deliveries,
  • primary healthcare,
  • district effectiveness
  • family planning.

By focusing on this set of priorities, the Roadmap aims to achieve dramatic and fast improvements in the health system. The Health Department drives the Roadmap, with support of the Roadmap team and the CM’s Special Monitoring Unit.  There are many stakeholders who play their pivotal role. The role of each stakeholder is as follows:


  • conducts training of MEAs on quarterly basis in coordination with Primary and Secondary  Roadmap teams, SMU and PITB
  • handles the administration and ensure the monitoring visits of PHC & SHC MEAs
  • ensures assigned target visits achievement through supervision and coverage analysis


  • develop the PHC / SHC MEAs dashboard

CM Road map team / SMU Team

  • conduct the data analysis of PHC /SHC MEAs and present the data in monthly CEO conference and to CM in Stock take meetings.


The CM meets with the Health Department, politicians, donors and key stakeholders every two months to review progress on the Roadmap in a Stock-take meeting. These Stock-take meetings provide a platform to monitor implementation and troubleshoot any obstacles in implementation.


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